New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme*

Principal Mutual Funds

Funds in focus

Principal mutual funds cover various asset classes of mutual funds, from domestic equity to specialized sectors, so you could find the mix of funds that helps you achieve your strategic investment goals.

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List of eligible funds under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (“New CIES”)*

Asset ClassFund Series#Fund NameIntroduction^
Equity Fund - GlobalPLSFPrincipal International Equity FundSeek capital growth over the long term by investing in international equity markets.
Equity Fund - U.SPLSFPrincipal U.S Equity FundTo achieve capital growth over the long term by investing in U.S. equity markets
Equity Fund - AsiaPLSFPrincipal Asian Equity FundTo seek capital growth over the long term by investing in Asian equity markets
Equity Fund - ChinaPLSFPrincipal China Equity FundTo achieve capital growth over the long term by investing mainly in China-related equities
Equity Fund - HKPLSFPrincipal Hong Kong Equity FundTo achieve capital growth over the long term by investing mainly in Hong Kong equity markets
Equity Fund - Asia Pacific - High Dividend EquityPPSPrincipal Sustainable Asia Equity Income FundTo achieve high current income and capital appreciation with a focus on high dividend yielding stocks while exploring the ESG achievers in the Asia Equity market.
Bond Fund - GlobalPLSFPrincipal International Bond FundTo protect and maximize income through dynamic allocation across diverse global bond markets.
Bond Fund - HKPLSFPrincipal Hong Kong Bond FundGenerate income and capital growth over medium to long term with local market experts in Hong Kong bonds.
Bond Fund - AsiaPPSPrincipal Sustainable Asian Income fundProvide medium to long term income and capital growth while exploring the ESG achievers in the Asia bond market.
Money Market Fund - HK DollarPLSFPrincipal Hong Kong Dollar Savings FundPreserve liquidity while earning a competitive return on short to medium term bonds
Equity Fund - ChinaPGIFCCB Principal China New Energy Innovation Fund1To provide a return based on capital growth and income by investing in China’s New Energy sector.
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Eligible Funds under New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme

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To learn more about the eligible funds under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme, please click here to contact our Customer Service or call our hotline:

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* New CIES has been launched with effect from 1 March 2024 . For further details of the New CIES, please visit the New CIES website.

# Fund Series-Full Name

  • PLSF - Principal Life Style Fund
  • PPS - Principal Prosperity Series
  • PGIF - Principal Global Investors Funds

^ You should not rely solely on this marketing material when making your investment decision. You should read the Explanatory Memorandum / Summary Prospectus for further details (including investment policy, risk factors, fees and charges, and fund information)

1 The share class launched less than 12 months ago, as such, there is currently insufficient past performance data to be displayed.


This material is intended for general reference only. This material does not constitute an offer or solicitation or invitation or advice or recommendation to enter into any transactions. Investment involves risk. There is no assurance of investment returns. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. If you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund or product mentioned in this material is suitable for you, you should seek independent professional advice.

Issuer of this material

Principal Global Investors Funds
Issuer: Principal Investment & Retirement Services Limited

Principal Life Style Fund, Principal Prosperity Series
Issuer: Principal Asset Management Company (Asia) Limited

This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.